
BizTech Blog

AGIS - Still a mystery

Posted by Thomas Simkiss

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Nov 13, 2013 12:10:55 PM

Hello all, been quite a while since I have last posted. I generally try to keep my posts related to past presentations that I have done or things I am currently working on. I have two active engagements right now where the client is actively using (or trying to use) AGIS or Advanced Global Intercompany System in Oracle R12 and yet my clients rarely understand what AGIS is or how it should be used.

While GIS was around and kicking in 11i, Oracle made a number of significant improvements to it in R12, most notably the use of AME for approvals if required.

While there is not a hard and fast rule on when to use AGIS the general rule I have always used is - if you have intercompany transactions that need to be treated as 'arms length' (meaning some form of documentation is required to backup the transaction) then you should use AGIS. It can be used in a single ledger, it's not just for transactions across ledgers, although that is the most frequent use of the tool, as long as the transaction is between two or more legal entities.

AGIS essentially requires the configuration of an initiator (eventually this entity will have a receivable on their books) and a recipient (payable). These entities need to be associated with proper legal entities as configured in Oracle, and ultimately to a customer and supplier (this step is critical if you are going to be using invoicing in AGIS).

AGIS is a great tool and it should not be a mystery.

Here is a link to some great material on its configuration and know issues.

AGIS Oracle doc

Please ping me via a post or email if you have specific questions.

Topics: E-Business Suite