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Oracle has just announced that the Oracle Business Intelligence Applications (OBIA) will be available on the 11g platform. Oracle Business Intelligence Applications include pre-built dashboards, reports, metadata, data warehouse schemas and ETL solutions, dramatically reducing the time to implement and deploy a Business Intelligence solution.
According to the Oracle press release, OBIA will enable organizations to take advantage of the 11g's enhanced mobile features, user experience
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, systems management, performance, and scalability. Oracle BI Applications Release benefits include:
- Alerts, dashboards and reports are available for secure access and interaction via iPad and iPhone to provide organizational visibility, insight and alignment;
- A new user interface featuring a wide range of interactive charting and prompting capabilities, including map visualization options directly linked to spatial data, providing a richer, more intuitive end user experience;
- An enhanced Common Enterprise Information Model with 25 conformed dimensions that provides alignment across the enterprise as well as high performance, federated queries against hundreds of data sources in relational, OLAP, and XML formats; and,
- Integrated system management services to simplify system configuration, testing, deployment, monitoring, and installation of patches to enable continuous availability, with unmatched query performance, scalability, and security.